Sunday, March 8, 2009


Ujung Genteng located in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, around 80 km south of Pelabuhan Ratu. A beautiful beach with white sand, seawater as clear as an aquarium, and one of destination for surfer lover. The waves at this beach are so calm which naturally break up the incoming waves.
Gazing off to the northwest, about 2 kilometers, there is Cibuaya beach, another beautiful beach where people can fishing around a coastal basin that forms a small bay, the former delta of a now-dry river. The water at Cibuaya beach is so clear, shallow, and almostwaveless. About 30 kilometers from Cibuaya beach there is Ombak Tujuh beach. The access to Ombak Tujuh beach was not easy. The visitor entered the forest of Cibabi, where tall grass grew denser, alongside bamboo and several species of tall trees.
Ombak Tujuh beach forms a long curve, with a sloping section stretching to the north and another part curving to the south comprised of coral hills. The big waves, up to two meters, come from this part, the sloping part of the beach only gets ripples. Its called Ombak Tujuh (Seven Waves) because the waves here roll in unbroken series of waves. Perhaps someone one counted and perceived that there were seven waves in each series. Gazing off to the north, there is Batu Keris beach. This beach, shaped like amphitheater with a floor of flat black coral rocks in unique patterns.

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